At least have the decency to finish the job...
Things to Avoid: Falling Asleep on the "Job"
All too often you hear stories of thefts, murders, break-ins, Assaults, rapes...just about any crime imaginable where the crook falls asleep before he can get through the most important part of the crime...Them getting away with it! What makes this so?
Are they anxious the night before plotting their master plan that they can't sleep which makes them fatigue the next day? Is it the sheer jubilation of completing the crime that the crook quickly comes down out of his state of euphoria that the only thing to do it take a quick cat nap... just in time for the cops to come?
Why can't they just do things like the movies? A huge heist in a movie like Ocean's 11, was masterfully planned and executed that it left no trace behind. They stole millions of dollars from a heavily guarded casino and no one even came close to being caught...or they get out of their wrong doings in the second or third movie...
But the nimwit thief who breaks into a family's house only to steal some immitation jewelry at best can't even get that right. He see the bed staring at him in the face saying, "come, lay on me...Only for a moment." And you know what? He thinks, I've got some time to waste and in doing so he finds himself with plenty of opportunities to find ways for him to waste times...when he's doing 2-3 years for being a complete idiot...