Monday, October 27, 2008

Gray hair


Daddy, it's time for an intervention....

Thing you should avoid: Gray hair.

If you get gray hair, your children will think less of you, evidently. Like the good consumers they are, they will spend their allowance to go out and buy you a box of Just For Men. Don't worry, though: Simply apply, wash and rinse, and they will love you again.

Now you can score that woman who was too shallow to go out with you when you had gray hair. While on the date, ensure that you have your cell phone with you so that you can snap a photo of you and your date. Now you can send your unsupervised daughters a picture so that they can see what their new mommy looks like. This will not freak your date out.

Perhaps if you didn't buy cell phones for your daughters at such an early age, they wouldn't be smart enough to confront you with an intervention about your hair.

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